Showing posts with label stock market carnival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stock market carnival. Show all posts

Stock Market Carnival - Financial Sites To Consider

In doing this site, I have come across some great sites on a variety of different subjects. So, I decided it would be good for me to host a Stock Market Carnival on the site. For those of you that don't know, a carnival on the web is just a collection of different stock related articles that I have reviewed and my personal thoughts on them. I will give the link of the specific article and my personal thoughts on them. Feel free to check them out as there are some great resources out there. I will be giving my daily write up, as usual, after the close. On a side note, take advantage of some great currency trading in this market. If you do decide it's for you, I would highly recommend

So lets kick this thing into gear. There were some great sites submitted. Feel free to check out the ones you are interested in:

Investing School presents 52 Must Read Quotes from Legendary Investor - Warren Buffett posted at Investing School. Indeed Warren Buffett is a legend and has been calling this crisis for over a year now. Good reference site for some of his greatest quotes.

The Investor presents Seven surprising things you may not know about Warren Buffett posted at Monevator. Another Warren Buffett reference. If you are interested in reading in on his past, this a good article for you. Not many fundamentals regarding today's trading, however.

Aussie presents Watching What Fund Managers Are Buying And Selling posted at Australian Stock Market Blog. This is a pretty interesting article on tracking hedge funds. It is dealing with the Australian market, but is applicable to our market and is beneficial for those trading in emerging market funds like EEV.

Michael Cintolo presents Compelling Action From This Potential Leader posted at The Iconoclast Investor. This is a short article on a stock Thoratec. It is brief, but I didn't know much about the stock to begin with. I plan on looking more into the stock.

Sandy Naidu presents Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme posted at FutureNestEgg. This is a great little article breaking down the Madoff Ponzi scheme. If you are still wondering what went on there, great little summary here.

Tristan presents Insider Dealing vs Insider Investing posted at Find Financial Freedom. This is a great little article comparing Insider Dealing with Insider Investing. Worth checking out, a good little read.

Financial Planning
MBB presents Steps To Become A Millionaire posted at Money Blue Book Finance. This is a great article giving some good, overall personal finance tips. It's a bit lengthy, but you can definitely extract some good points from it.

Joe Manausa presents What Is A RSS Subscription | Tallahassee Real Estate Blog posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog. A quick reference of how to subscribe to blogs. It may be basic to some of you, but some people are still struggling how to figure that out. A good quick read.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents How To Become A Millionaire In 10 Steps Flat posted at The Digerati Life. A site discussing some steps to become a millionaire. I don't know if it will work, but maybe you'll find something to get you there. A quick read.

RL presents Are You Managing Your Debt Correctly? | Rich Credit Debt Loan posted at Rich Leverage. A great article on managing debt. This is definitely critical in today's market, worth reading.

Credit Shout presents Financial Planning for Retirement posted at CreditShout. A great post on retirement planning. This is something I always try reinforce its importance. Check it out.

Stock Market
Ryan Suenaga presents Market Timing: Twice as Hard as Previously Thought posted at Uncommon Cents. This won't knock your feet off, but it's a real quick read on playing tops and bottoms. We know how important that has been in this market.

Richard Taylor presents 2 Good Things About the Stock Market Crash of 2008 posted at Fun With Living Blog. Some interesting points about how to deal with the current low levels of stocks in today's market.

Surfer Sam presents NEW !! Best Stock Picks of the Decade !! posted at Surfer Sam and Friends. Some good stocks to keep in mind during the upswing of the market. Who knows when that is coming.

Well, there it is. I would like to thank those that submitted and encourage everyone to keep writing worthwhile information. We cannot compile enough information in today's market. Please vote for your favorite in leaving a comment below. I would like to get some feedback from you. I hope everyone is doing well during today's trading. It is moving just as we talked about in yesterday's post. We will see you again at the wrap up.

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