Showing posts with label microsoft earnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microsoft earnings. Show all posts

Take A Ride On the Dow Roller Coaster

We're getting to the point that if we do not have a 600 point swing throughout the day, the market is just plain boring. Once again, the market has shown everyone that no matter what kind of expert you are, you cannot predict what this thing is going to do. Crash Market Stock strikes again.

Now as for our recommendations given yesterday. I believe we are in perfect position for a nice profit tomorrow. DIG, with all it's ups and downs today, finally closed at about $29.90 (being up about 10.74%. The option we discussed yesterday, today hit $3.40, yielding about 36%, if you got in on my recommendations at around $2.50, where it closed yesterday. I chose not to sell today, because I believe there will be even more of a rally tomorrow after OPEC cuts supply.

FXP hit $142 today, but quickly came back to where it opened in light of our closing rally we received. Don't you worry about that stock, it will be back at $150 in no time. I am considering selling off some of my profits, because I believe we will have a couple strong rallies shortly.

Microsoft came in with strong earnings for the 3rd quarter, however, their 4th quarter outlook was weak. As a result, there hasn't been much of a move for MSFT in after-hours. I believe in these times, anytime strong earnings are announced, its GOOD! We may see a healthy, SUSTAINED rally tomorrow in light of the news as well as the OPEC supply cut. Maybe look to sell out of a large portion of your short position in the morning, if the morning looks green, and look to get back in next week.
Tomorrow should be a great opportunity to sell out of some of those positions you may have taken a loss to (especially tech). I think we should be seeing a 3-4% rally tomorrow, and I think we're heading down to the 7000 - 7500 Dow level. Hopefully, we are fully into our Inverse ETF's by then.
Well, once again we have made money in this market. Don't believe the analysts when they say to wait. Just watch, people will wait and then miss it. I've got some great stocks for next week to discuss. See you tomorrow.

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