Showing posts with label leveraged etfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leveraged etfs. Show all posts

When to Invest in Leveraged ETF's

inaugurationIn recent weeks, there has been a lot of talk of these inverse etfs we discuss so frequently on this site and whether they are a legitimate vehicle for investment in this market. Some analysts, such as Cramer, feel that these funds should be taken off the market. Although Cramer can say some educational things sometimes, his banter on this subject must be from a personal vendetta he has with the funds, because his argument is just plain nonsense. When I look into my portfolio from, I notice that most of my portfolio is made up of these etfs right now. I have made a lot money from these in the past. I have also lost some. The point is, although there are flaws (if you want to call them that) to the funds and they can cause a lot of stress, there can still be A LOT of money made with playing them at the right time and in the right way.

A key element to the success of these etfs, is the VIX level. VIX (Volatility Index of the S&P) has proven to have a strong correlation with the performances of these funds. As the VIX index is higher, so is the volatility. In turn, having the "fear index" raised during the more volatile times puts even higher premiums on the purchase of options. These funds consist largely of swaps and option purchases. This is why you see the greatest gains from these funds during the highes peaks of the VIX. And even more so downward on the low peaks (see below).

vix charts
As you can see from the graph below, SKF and SRS (two of Proshares most popular 2x inverse etfs) track almost directly with the VIX , just more exaggerated. The separation is even worse on the down swing. This is why when people analyze the funds on 1 year+ holding terms, the numbers don't equal out, because the number can fall at a more rapid rate than it went up. This is largely due to where the VIX levels are at and where the momentum is. These past two months, the market became very consistently bullish, which shot down the prices of these funds much dramatically then they went up. Because of the sophisticated nature of these funds, with the swaps and options, as well as the management fees, these funds can move at a much larger rate than their claimed 2X leveraged of their measured fund. This can be a two edged sword as they can indeed yield stronger gains than just 2x the funds movement or lose more on the way down.

It is for this reason everyone is hating these funds right now, because they have lost so much value recently. However, with the combination of the even more so weakening economy and the VIX levels reaching over 50 on Friday (lows were at 38 and highs were at 80), I am more and more seeing big opportunities for these etfs again. Just from the 38 to 50 move in the index, Many of these funds have jumped 20-35% in a week. They are obviously to be played on momentum and volatility. If the VIX continues to move higher the next couple of weeks, there could be some serious gains by these funds.

It is hard to just pick a day on a calender and do a yearly analysis on these funds as you would a normal stock or mutual fund. Because of the rate of change that these funds can move at, it can be up 150% in 2 weeks or vise versa. Two months ago, no one was questioning the return abilities of them. At the time they were all $200+! It is all about timing the bumps right and getting on the right side of the momentum. Keep your eye on the VIX levels, because if it continues to push upward, you can expect to see strong gains from these funds. To sum it up, I'm a bull on SRS, SKF, FXP(or FAZ) and EEV.

UYG is one to be considered just for this week as Obama is put into office, but I'm not going to hold it for long. Banks should get some love as hopes for the biggest bailout ever is present. However, as we discussed last week, the crater to fill is much deeper than the shovels of dirt he plans to throw on it.

Here is a great trend analysis site ( Click Here) where they will take any symbol your tracking and do a great fundamental analysis on it. I've used it on these funds, and they work well. They are also offering a free video tutorial on expert training and technical analysis, Click Here. Definitely worth learning about in this market. Check them out, they'll give you free trials, all they need is your email and name.

Have a good evening everyone. Happy MLK day and lets see if Obama can tackle the biggest financial crisis this country has ever seen. Happy Trading.

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New 3X Leveraged ETFs Becoming More Popular

Early in November, Direxion launched their new 3X leveraged ETF funds available to be traded on the NYSE. With the huge increase in popularity in the 2X Proshares funds that we discuss frequently on this site, it will most certainly be the same fate for these new 3X funds, even though volume still remains rather low. However, everyday they are trading more and more. These funds, played the right way, can bring significant gains especially as we grow closer to finding a bottom. So, I thought I would go through the different funds and let you know what is now available, for you risky traders.

FAS - Financials 3X Bull
FAZ - Financials 3X Bear
TNA - Small Cap 3X Bull
TZA - Small Cap 3X Bear
BGU - Large Cap 3X Bull
BGZ - Large Cap 3X Bear
ERX - Energy 3X Bull
ERY - Energy 3X Bear

As I have said before, in relation to these funds, I am still hesitant to trade them, because of their low volume. Also, they are on the riskier side that I am usually comfortable with. However, FAZ, being under $60, with the increase in volume of trading it has been receiving, is beginning to become more and more appealing to me. I am going to wait out this next week to see how we deal with GM, but this could be a pick up for me in the future.

Look for these ETFs to pick up in popularity as time goes on and our volatility continues to go up. The Proshares funds started out in a similar way, and have grown immensely in popularity in the recent months. So here they are. Watch and trade at with caution, for these funds can make or break you in one day. We should see some other 3X funds hit the market shortly as well. The expense ratios on these are anywhere from .94-1.02. This is comparable to Proshares, considering the increased 3X leverage. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend and is ready for the new week. It should be an interesting one. We'll see everyone tomorrow. Happy Trading.

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